Hole Closure update 6/30/22
The construction is moving quite quickly now that additional staff have arrived. They wrapped up 2 tee this morning and moved over to...
Irrigation Update 6/28/22
We were able to connect the new 12" main line to the pump house today. Once the cement hardens, we'll be able to turn our irrigation...
Irrigation Project Update 6/27/22
We will be connecting the new 12" main line to the pumphouse on Tuesday morning. In order to do this, our pumps will need to be off for...
Hole Closure Update 6/27/22
We finished working on holes 4, 5, 6, and 12 last week. We're now moving on to holes 3, 8, and 2 this week. Hole 3 will be closed all day...
Hole Closure Update 6/20/22
We just wrapped up hole 7 and we'll be moving to hole 4. We'll be looking to complete holes 4, 5, and 6 this week. No holes will be...
Hole Closure Update 6/16/22
The crew wrapped up 15 fairway on Wednesday and has begun on 16 tee. Hole 16 will be closed for much of the day on Thursday. Once hole 16...
Hole Closure Update 6/14/22
We're wrapping up hole 14 this morning and we're moving on to hole 15. We anticipate hole 15 being closed for the next three days. Once...
Bird Box Project
We have over 15 cedar bird boxes situated throughout the property. These provide nesting homes for blue birds and tree swallows during...
Hole Closure Update 6/8/22
The crew is continuing to install lateral lines. They've just completed the tee and fairway on hole 13 and have moved to hole 14. Hole 13...
Hole Closure Update 6/2/22
Hole 11 will be closed for most of the day Thursday and Friday for sprinkler installation. Once hole 11 is complete, the crew will begin...